I have always been drawn to the stars, always curious of what else was out there and just had an inner knowing there was more to this reality. I started on my spiritual journey when my son started to see spirits, I just knew as his mom I needed to learn ways to support him. This led me down a path of expanding my awareness and learning how to develop my own intuition. I have been able to work with many amazing teachers and mentors to really understand, deepen and strengthen my abilities as an Intuitive Reader, Healer and Medium. In my training, I have learned how to read energy, work in the Akashic Records, perform shamanic and galactic healings and I am a certified reiki practitioner. I absolutely love sharing this amazing and transformational energy with others through readings and healings along with empowering others to harness their own intuitive abilities by leading and teaching. We are all intuitive and have this amazing gift within us called intuition.