Soul Star Mentorship

“Embrace the whispers of your Soul”

- Spirit

Soul Star Mentorship

Our intention for this mentorship is to support you in a more structured and intentional way as you continue the journey of aligning to the whispers of your soul. It would be our honour to work directly with you and your Spirit team to customize this mentorship to help propel you forward in meaningful and exciting ways.

If you are interested in this 2:1 mentorship we will ask you to complete an intake form so you can share with us your intention and what you hope to receive from our time together. This intention can be anything in which you would like further support for. It can range from wanting to understand your path more clearly, to further developing and deepening your intuitive skills, to needing support on more healing so you can shed some heaviness that you are feeling called to release. This mentorship can even be customized to understand further on how you can incorporate these new skills into your life or your current job and can even be about helping you create and develop a soul lead business of your own.

Anything and everything is welcome!

Within the Mentorship you can expect to receive the following…

  • A 2 hour co-creation session where we will share messages and guidance from your spirit team and create a customized outline for our time together.

  • A 60 minute monthly check in session where you will meet with the both of us to discuss how things have been progressing. During this session we will suggest action steps for you to take moving forward. This can range from specific healings to complete for yourself, to practicing certain skills, to pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone.

  • A monthly energy clearing and activation: Each month either Mandy or Allison will connect with your energy to complete an energy clearing and/or activation. As we know, spirit will show us what you are ready for when we are in your energy so we will share insight after each clearing through voxer. You will not have to be present for this healing.

  • Full access to us through the voxer app where you can voice note any questions, insights or challenges seeking support or guidance. A response will be sent as soon as possible and within business hours.

  • Free Access to the Alumni membership for the duration of the mentorship.

We are offering two mentorship plans at this time.

3 month journey at $500 + GST / month, valued at $700/month

6 month journey at $450 + GST / month, valued at $700/month