If this is your first Group Healing, here is what you can expect…

We will meet over zoom at at your scheduled time and have a quick chat and introduction.

We will ask you to get settled into your space at home. You can lay down or sit up, it is up to you! You can leave your camera on or turn it off, it is up to you!

(We will be turning our cameras off so we can focus on your energy).

Once you are settled and comfortable we will start our pre-recorded guided meditation that has been prepared for this event.

Allison's voice will guide you through the meditation and into a healing space.

Once her voice stops, you will then hear healing music for the next 35-40 minutes.

Please take this time to relax and meditate. Allow yourself to receive any images, colours, feelings or thoughts. Pay attention to how your body feels or what you are experiencing. You may take this time for a quick snooze!!

There is not a wrong way to receive a healing and whatever your experience is, is the exact thing you were meant to experience.

During your meditation is when we will work with your energy for the healing session. We never know exactly what we will do until we get into the energy so it is always fun to share afterwards.

After the healing is complete you will hear Allison's voice begin to guide you back into your body and perform a grounding meditation.

We will then come back on zoom and share what we worked on!

The intention is that you leave this healing session feeling super light and happy.

Full disclosure, you may feel cold during the session so a comfy blanket may be a good idea.